International Women's Day special: PHP's commitment to gender equality and sustainability

International Women's Day special: PHP's commitment to gender equality and sustainability
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International Women's Day special: PHP's commitment to gender equality and sustainability

According to the United Nations Population Fund, as of 2023, approximately half of the world’s population is made up of women. That’s 4 billion females – each with the potential to make a vital contribution to humanity. 

While many women make significant strides in life, inequality means that some will never fulfil theirs. Things are improving, but more must be done to support and implement positive change for females, globally. 

International Women’s Day is a prime opportunity to come together, celebrate, and acknowledge the considerable changes that women have made – not only to their own lives but to that of others, over the last hundred years. 

Join PHP as we strive towards a better, equal world. 

A closer look at International Women's Day

What a long and rich history this day has – first being marked well over one hundred years ago, in 1911. It is an event that belongs to women all over the world but has no affiliation with any one organisation or group.

It provides everyone with a perfect opportunity to recognise the outstanding achievements of women globally and recognise all the great leaps forward. 

Each year has a theme, and for International Women’s Day 2024, it is to Inspire Inclusion.

This can mean anything from making women more economically empowered, to supporting their participation in historically male-led fields such as business leadership and STEM. 

The missions of International Women’s Day 2024  include:

  • Raising awareness: Highlighting all the global issues that impact women's equality.
  • Taking a stand:  Calling out inequality, dealing with its consequences, and working together to create positive changes.
  • Celebrating women’s worth: Working on highlighting where important gains are made and championing women's achievements and accomplishments.

The role of women in sustainability

In a fair and equitable society, women play a pivotal role in driving sustainable change, to create a healthier environment – both at a local and global level. 

Empowering women to realise they have a voice is the key to making significant, sustainable changes. However, it’s important to note that women in sustainability isn’t simply about environmental concerns (though this is a driving force). It’s also about introducing greater social responsibility and innovating practices that create a better, healthier world for all the women who come after them.  

Our patient-focused service delivers first-class care that respects everyone’s individual needs and also considers the planet – using sustainable packaging options. When you trust us with your health, we’ll not only look after you but our environment too. 

PHP’s commitment to gender equality

We’re acutely aware of the need to close the gender equality gap. We are proud to have significant female representation in our team and we value the contribution that every woman makes to our organisation.

International Women’s Day is of great importance, but we firmly believe in championing women – and those we are lucky enough to have on our team – all year round. We recognise their strength, resilience, and commitment to making healthcare as simple and as available as possible.

Supporting women’s strength and courage

PHP actively supports and acknowledges the fantastic contribution made by women, not only to our organisation, but to the world. 

For International Women’s Day, we’d love it if everyone could take some time to appreciate and understand the real challenges faced by females today. 

Let’s get the conversation going on social media with the hashtag #internationalwomensday so we can celebrate all the important women in our lives.